May | 2016 | Girls Mag | Page 3

Online Shopping Is Always Best Choice

We all girls  love to shop anywhere, any time, any place — but sometimes, we get so consumed with purchasing things online, we forget how great it can be to physically go into a store. But , online shopping can be amazing (you can buy things in your pajamas, hello).Forget ... Continue Reading

How Anxiety Affects Your Life ?

Feeling worried or nervous is a normal part of everyday life. Everyone frets or feels anxious from time to time. Mild to moderate anxiety can help you focus your attention, energy, and motivation. If anxiety is severe, you may have feelings of helplessness, confusion, and extreme worry that are ... Continue Reading

Amazing Eye Makeup Designs

When it come to beauty of girls eyes are the most attractive part of body .With new and amazing eye makeup designs girls try to make them more attractive so girls mag collect amazing eye makeup designs which are very famous these days.