How to Choose the Perfect Coffee Maker | Girls Mag

How to Choose the Perfect Coffee Maker


There are a few obvious things to consider, but it’s really pretty easy really.

  1. Do you need a lot of Coffee?

How many people are you making coffee for each day? The answer to this question will tell you if you can use a single serve coffee maker, or if a larger, Drip Coffee Maker is needed.  You can do anything from 1 cup to 12 cups at a time, no problem. Often a simple French Press will do the trick.

  1. Be honest with yourself.

Too many people choose a coffee maker on price, but end up with something that does not make the sort of Coffee they really like. If you always buy a Cappuccino or Latte at the coffee shop getting a Drip Coffee maker will not work for you at all. You will need an Espresso machine or a Single Serve Coffee maker which at least delivers Shots of Espresso that you can use to make your favorite brew.

  1. Take a Long Term view have worked out just what it costs to make coffee at home with the machine you prefer, so before you decide that you can’t justify paying a little more for the right machine, think about how much you are going to save (per cup) making it yourself.


You will not save money if you buy a machine that you won’t actually use.

4 Don’t want to spend time making Coffee?

Either buy yourself a programmable Drip Coffee maker, (so coffee is ready when you need it each day) or get a simple to use Single Serve machine, drop in a bio-degradable coffee pod, add some water and your done.  A French press is just as easy.

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